Camera Control

The Basics

In RobotRun, almost all camera control is done with the mouse. Below is a table, which maps each camera action with its corresponding mouse action.

Camera Action Mouse Action
Pan the camera move the mouse while holding the middle mouse button
Rotate the camera move the mouse while holding the right mouse button
Zoom the camera scroll with the mouse wheel

You can drag the mouse while holding the left mouse button and Ctrl on your keyboard to the pan the camera as well.

Camera View Buttons

When a menu is open in the application, then 7 buttons will appear alongside the UI:

Button Action
D resets the camera's position to (0, 0, 0)
F sets the camera to face down the negative y-axis of the World frame (this is the default camera orientation)
BK sets the camera to face down the positive y-axis of the World frame
L sets the camera to face down the positve x-axis of the World frame
R sets the camera to face down the negative x-axis of the World frame
T sets the camera to face down the negative z-axis of the World frame
BT sets the camera to face down the positive z-axis of the World frame


  1. Below is scenario containing the hideNSeek.bin scenario file. You can put this file in the tmp/scenarios/ directory of the RobotRun application's top directory. When you startup the program again, then you can set this scenario as active. First select the scenario tab at the top of the lefthand UI. Then, select the load option, at which point a dropdown list should appear in the UI. Select hideNSeek from the list and press Load. The name of the scenario should appear in the righthand UI next to "Active scenario:".

    This scenario contains three boxes: a red, a green, and a blue one. The red one is below the robot, the green one is above the robot, and the blue one is away from the robot at the positive x and negative y axes. Try and find all three boxes.