Jogging the Robot

The SHIFT Button

SHIFT is located on middle right of the pendant interface. This button is one of the most important when dealing with robot motion. When the button is gray, then it is inactive. If the button is red, then it is active. Depending on the active pendent screen, SHIFT can be toggled with the shift key on your computer's keyboard. SHIFT must be active in order for the robot to move in any circumstance.

Coordinate Frame

RobotRun has four coordinate frames, in which a robot can be jogged:

Joint move individual joints
World move the robot's TCP in the default cartesian frame
Tool/User move the robot in a user-defined cartesian frame

You can cycle through the coordiante frames by pressing COORD, on the pendant interface, when SHIFT is inactive.

Jog Buttons

There are twelve buttons on the pendant, which directly control the robot's motion. These buttons are located in the bottom right portion of the pendant interface. These buttons have different functions based on the active coordinate frame.

Button Joint Frame World/Tool/User Frame
-X(J1) Rotates the robot's first joint in the negative direction Translates the robot's TCP along the negative direction of the x-axis
+X(J1) Rotates the robot's first joint in the positive direction Translates the robot's TCP along the postive direction of the x-axis
-Y(J2) Rotates the robot's second joint in the negative direction Translates the robot's TCP along the negative direction of the y-axis
+Y(J2) Rotates the robot's second joint in the positive direction Translates the robot's TCP along the positive direction of the y-axis
-Z(J3) Rotates the robot's third joint in the negative direction Translates the robot's TCP along the negative direction of the z-axis
+Z(J3) Rotates the robot's third joint in the positive direction Translates the robot's TCP along the postive direction of the z-axis
-XR(J4) Rotates the robot's fourth joint in the negative direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the negative direction around the x-axis
+XR(J4) Rotates the robot's fourth joint in the positive direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the postive direction around the x-axis
-YR(J5) Rotates the robot's fifth joint in the negative direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the negative direction around the y-axis
+YR(J5) Rotates the robot's fifth joint in the positive direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the postive direction around the y-axis
-ZR(J6) Rotates the robot's sixth joint in the negative direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the negative direction around the z-axis
+ZR(J6) Rotates the robot's sixth joint in the positive direction Rotates the robot's TCP in the postive direction around the z-axis

Motion Faults

The robot does not have complete freedom in motion. There are certain ranges of motion that are invalid due to the limitations of the processing power and our inverse kinematics implementation. So, you may get a motion fault when jogging in the World frame. If you do, then the robot's motion will be locked and a message will appear on the righthand UI. In order to reset the robot's motion, you must either press RESET or turn SHIFT off. If you are moving the robot and are continually getting motion faults, try moving in the Joint frame, since motion faults cannot occur when moving in the Joint frame.

The HOLD Button

It is worth mentioning that the HOLD button on the pendant interface will halt any and all motion in the robot.

Miscellaneous Information

You can reset the robot to its default joint orientation by pressing Ctrl+t on your computer's keyboard.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the rightand UI, which displays the robot TCP's current position and orientation in the World frame along with the robot's current joint orientation.
  2. Move the robot in the Joint frame, so that its TCP is close to the position: (X=-384, Y=-475, Z=712) and the orientation (W=32, P=7, R=-50).
  3. Move the robot in the World frame, so that its joint orientation is close to (J1=180, J2=0, J3=0, J4=225, J5=310, J6=330).